On Wednesday, October 13, Biotech Hemisphere closed the two-week period for its call, which sought the scaling of advanced-stage, biotechnology-based developments, with direct industrial applications.
The Biotech Hemisphere call issued by SOFOFA Hub’s Center for Translational Biotechnology was open from September 8 to October 13, seeking to support the scaling of advanced-stage biotechnology projects, at TRL 5 or higher, that require an optimization of their conditions to be scaled and that exhibit potential demand in the market.
In partnership with the Chilean Venture Capital Association, the invitation was extended to all companies, universities and research centers whose biotechnology development has been generated in Chile and who have their base of operations in the country.
The criterion for selecting projects was that they be biotechnology-based, understanding this as the use of biological systems and living organisms, or their derivatives, for the creation or modification of products or processes for specific uses.
All technology-based developments, which are at an advanced stage, and that exhibit a direct industrial application, shall be considered. The second essential condition is that the intellectual property associated with the product that will be scaled is adequately protected, so that freedom to commercially operate (FTO) can be enforced.
The CBT shall oversee the execution of the selected projects, including the financing of operational expenses of the awardees, focusing on the search and execution of technical capacities (knowledge and infrastructure) that will facilitate their development, as well as the connection with clients and potential investors through its national and international network.